University of Munich Hospital – groundbreaking for “New Hauner”
14 Mar 2023
Over the next six years, a state-of-the-art university hospital for pediatrics and adolescent medicine will be built on LMU’s Großhadern campus.
14 Mar 2023
Over the next six years, a state-of-the-art university hospital for pediatrics and adolescent medicine will be built on LMU’s Großhadern campus.
The “New Hauner” will succeed the internationally renowned Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital at the end of the decade. With the groundbreaking ceremony on March 13, 2023, building work begins on a state-of-the-art interdisciplinary and interprofessional university hospital for pediatrics and adolescent medicine on the Großhadern campus. With almost 200 beds, the New Hauner will house under one roof the clinics for pediatric medicine and pediatric surgery together with the Integrated Center for Social Pediatrics and other facilities. As well as funding the costs of around 420 million euros, the Free State of Bavaria is providing further resources for future rises in constructions costs and possible construction risks. Among the participants at the groundbreaking ceremony were Minister-President of Bavaria Dr. Markus Söder and Bavarian State Minister for Science and the Arts, Markus Blume.
Ausführliche Informationen zum "Neuen Hauner" finden Sie in der Pressemeldung des LMU Klinikums.