Internships at LMU

You'd like to gain practical experience in your field of study? Many LMU institutes or research facilities accept interns.


The LMU offers a wide professional spectrum. First, go to the faculty website and find out about the different institutions and research fields. The amount of information may at first seem like a huge mountain that is difficult to climb, but it's worth it! If you are clear about the area in which you would like to gain experience, your search for suitable positions will quickly narrow down.

For your application, it is important to describe the exact objectives of the internship and also to provide information about your professional background and any professional experience you may have.

Send your application directly to the faculty, department or institute by email. There is no central office at LMU that accepts applications or helps find internships.

There are different legal requirements for the two types of internships in Germany.

A compulsory internship is firmly anchored in your study plan and is part of your studies. There are no legal requirements for the institution offering the internship. The internship is usually unpaid and can also take place over a longer period of time.

However, in the case of a voluntary internship that is not part of your study plan, the institution providing the internship must comply with legal requirements, especially if the internship is to last longer than three months. Legally, the internship then falls below the minimum wage. You should take this into account when planning.

Therefore, please indicate the type of internship in your application.

You can obtain information about funding your internship abroad from your home university.

Internships in Europe are also funded as part of the Erasmus program. General information can be found on the European Commission's website. You always apply for a scholarship through your home university. To do this, contact the respective International Office.

We are pleased that you will receive funding via your home university.

The LMU internship supervisor is responsible for signing the respective documents.

In the case of an Erasmus scholarship, the Erasmus Training Agreement must be signed by the LMU departmental supervisor.

The LMU Erasmus code is: D MUNCHEN01

No. You will generally only be able to do an unpaid internship.

Information about living and rental costs in Munich can be found in the International Student Guide.

As a rule, interns are not allowed to be registered at LMU because no courses are attended.

In a few exceptional cases, registration can take place if this is agreed upon in advance between your LMU internship supervisor, the LMU incoming team and your home university.

In addition to the program-specific requirements, the following formal requirements must be met:

  • A university cooperation agreement exists.
  • Nomination by the home university
  • The internship starts around the beginning of the semester at LMU.
  • The duration of the internship is approximately one semester.

As a rule, you yourself must ensure that you have sufficient insurance coverage. In addition to an adequate health insurance, it is advisable to have liability and accident insurances.

For more information, see the International Student Guide.

Unfortunately not. This is also the case for many students in Munich.
Only a small proportion of students receives accommodation in dormitories.

You can find helpful tips for finding accommodation via the private housing market in the International Student Guide.

Depending on the nationality and duration of the internship, there are different regulations regarding visas, entry and "work permits".

The exact entry and visa requirements for Germany can be found via the Visa Navigator of the Federal Foreign Office.

For Non-EU nationals, depending on the type of internship, funding and duration, the consent of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) may also need to be obtained.
Internships funded by the EU (e.g. Erasmus+ internships) are an exception to this rule (website only available in German).
Further information is available from the Bundesagentur für Arbeit.

After arriving in Germany, please register your place of residence at the Residents' Registration Office/Citizens' Office (Bürgerbüro).

Further information can be found in the International Student Guide.

The two associations MESA and TutoRIA offer numerous events and meetings during the semester where you can easily meet other students.

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