Seminars for International Students

19.02. Future Work Trends

19.02.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max 20 TN - Sprache: Englisch - Trainerin: Viola Kraus

"Future of Work - How the topic of (generative) AI will challenge us now and in the future and how we can learn to deal with it in order to make use of it"

Everyone is talking about AI, generative AI (GenAI). The education system does not yet know how to regulate it, companies want to use it in a targeted manner and some of us are asking ourselves "what do I need to know, what else should I learn". As an active member of our society, as future employees and teachers, we can prepare ourselves for these complex questions and the unknown.

What should we already know and what can we still learn?

Which gadgets can be used where and how, and are they being used by companies?

What unknowns are we likely to have to deal with?

And what contribution can each of us make to society?

Winter Edition: 09.09.2024 - Anmeldung

26.02. How do I present myself at a job interview?

26.02.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max 20 participants - Language: English - Trainer: Eva Kraatz

In this workshop you will get a good understanding of how to prepare for a job interview. The following topics will be covered:

  • General preparation for your job interview: Company and market environment
  • About me (skills, questions, expectations, how I fit in with the company, etc.)
  • Basic information on interview situations
  • and more

29.04. Career aspirations: What do I really want?

29.04.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max. 20 participants - Language: English - Trainer: Julia Reichert

What do you want to be when you grow up?

This question comes up again and again in the course of our lives. After school and then much more urgently during our studies, we ask ourselves what we could do to earn a living later on. But what happens after studying? Will I become a professor, manager or lawyer because that's what I really want, or because that's what others expect of me?

In this workshop, we will address the following questions:
What do I actually want? What is important to me? What are my talents? What do I enjoy doing so much that I would do it for free? What makes me happy?


  • Talents: Where are my strengths, how can I use them particularly effectively?
  • Motivation: How can I do exactly what I want to do? How do I motivate myself and others?
  • Objectives: Imagination of potential work environment, working hours, earnings, self-employment (5-year vision). What are potential hurdles? What are the fears that hold me back?

Winter Edition: 16.09.2024 - Anmeldung

13.05. Strategic and effective Jobsearch

13.05.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer) - max 20 TN - Sprache: Englisch - Trainerin: Heike Anne Dietzel - Karrierecoach

Searching for a new job can be a very time-consuming and long effort: there are hundreds of job search engines, matching portals and

Companies post their vacancies on Social media. What is the most effective way to find a new job?

  • Get a glimpse behind the scenes of the recruiting process
  • Build your application strategy that matches your background, personality and interests
  • Understand the variety and evaluate job search channels for your needs
  • Do’s and Dont’s for your communication with Hiring Managers and Recruiters during your job search
  • Define effective networking channels for job search

Winter Edition: 21.10.2024 - Anmeldung

27.05. Application Workshop for International Students

27.05.2024 - 10:00 - 16:00 - live&local - Hansa Haus München (Saal) - max. 20 participants - language: English - Trainer: Janine Müller

Other countries, other manners - applying for your first job in Germany

Getting started for your first job in Germany can be irritating. We will give you a good overview about the way to apply for a job in Germany among the candidate lifecycle:

  • How to read job advertisements?
  • What to prepare for the formal application?
  • How can you prepare yourself for the job interview to make a great first impression?
  • What is necessary to know for you first day and the onboarding period?
  • ...and many more good to know things for finding your job in Germany.

Winter Edition: 25.11.2024 - Anmeldung

24.06. Cultural awareness seminar for international students

CANCELLED 24.06.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer)- max. 20 TN - Sprache: Englisch - Trainerin: Eva Kraatz

This course is designed for international students who are starting their studies and careers in Germany. Participants will gain a generic understanding of cultural differences and what makes living, studying and working in Germany special. This workshop will provide you with...

  • an overview on how culture shapes and influences our views and actions
  • many insights into German life like: culture, living and studying, customs, communication etc.

15.07. Rights and obligations at work in Germany: employment contract, salaries, references

15.07.2024 - 16:00 - 20:00 Uhr - Hansa Haus München (Läugerzimmer)- max. 20 TN - Sprache: Englisch - Trainerin: Heike Anne Dietzel - Karrierecoach

Receiving a work contract is an exciting moment as it represents the last step to becoming a part of a company.

Signing the contract will be legally binding and the contracts contains the most critical elements of your employeeship.

  • Mandatory elements of a work contract under German labour law
  • Types of employment and work contracts
  • Most important rights and obligations of the employee and the employer
  • Working hours and vacation regulations
  • Probation period, termination of the contract and period of notice
  • Final checklist before you sign the contract
  • How your salarly is calculated and what is is composed of
  • Work certificates & references in Germany and how to understand the secret code

Winter Edition: 09.12.2024 - Anmeldung

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