User help for our career portal

Here you will find quick help if you get stuck in our portal (matorix).

Link our portal with your LMU user ID

New: You can now link your (already existing) account in the Career Service Portal (matorixmatch) with your LMU user ID for single sign-on (SSO with Shibboleth).

If you do not yet have an account, please register first. You will need the data sent to you by e-mail for the one-time/first-time login and you can link your account with the LMU user ID immediately afterwards.

And if all else fails...

If you get stuck with our initial help, simply press the support button in the portal. This will activate your account and we can help you quickly and directly.

In advance: the most common solution to problems

  • Check whether you have uploaded all the documents required for an offer (CV, enrollment certificate, job reference) under Step 1: Career profile
  • Have you activated yourself for the relevant offer under Step 2: Events & Services and, for example, provided all the required additional information (e.g. motivation) for the personal counseling offers (mentoring, career coaching, application counseling) before you selected dates?

Please login to matorix before using the internal links in these articles.

Meaning of Step 1 and Step 2

Step 1: Career Profile

Here you enter your master data and upload your personal documents. Most error messages have to do with something being missing here.

Most of the time it is documents. The safest way is to upload the following right at the beginning:

  • CV German and/or English
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • "Arbeitszeugnis" (reference - if you want the reference check)

Link to step 1

Step 2: Events & Services

Here you can activate your account for all our offers. Before you can re-/deregister (concrete) dates, click on enable format.

Please distinguish: Under re-/deregistraion of (concrete) dates you edit individual dates (e.g. individual Meet&Greet) for the selected event or service format. With Deregister of format (completely) you deregister from the entire offer (e.g. all Meet&Greet).

Link to step 2

My calendar

In the calendar you can see your already booked appointments. If you scroll down, you will also see a calendar view that allows you to select or deselect appointments.

You can only book appointments for which you have previously activated the event/service format and for which all required documents have already been uploaded. (Step 1 and Step 2)

Missing documents

Most error messages indicate that documents are missing for the selected format.

  • In the menu, go to Step 1: Career Profile.
  • Scroll down to the Documents item and upload the required ones. e.g.:
    • CV for the CV Check
    • "Arbeitszeugnis" / Job reference for the job reference check
    • Certificate of enrollment for the consulting services

Participation dates missing

For the consulting formats career counseling, application counseling and mentoring we need additional information from you.

Before choosing a date please first fill out the fields about your motivation / your request.

Please (s.above) check als Step 1: Career Profile if you already uploaded all documents necessary.

Mobile view "squeezed"

Unfortunately not all browsers load these pages equally well. We are working on this. In this case, we recommend that you rotate your smartphone screen. In the wider display works.

Format not enabled yet

Please Enable format before re-/de-registration of (concrete) dates. You can do this here via Submit.

Personal support

Still not getting anywhere? We will be happy to help you in our Zoom support for the career portal. You can book an appointment here.

Everything booked up? No problem! Send us an e-mail with your problem.

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