Personal stories

Be inspired by those that have gone before you! Here you'll find reports from students that have already completed an internship abroad. Keep also an eye on the German version of this page.

Personal stories from LMU students

The following reports have been put together by students that were helped by LMU Career Services in embarking on an internship abroad. Enjoy scrolling through.

Further reports in German

Reports from the European Union

The reports reflect solely the opinion and impressions of the respective students and not the opinion of LMU Career Services.

More student reports

  • Archive LMU Reports: Over 500 reports from students who completed an internship abroad before 2019 (only available in German).
  • Consists of a blog with current at-location "reports" documenting personal experiences. Here, you'll also find a short guide to internships abroad.
  • DAAD: Includes detailed country-specific information and reports from students that were at these locations — provided by DAAD.
  • Leonardo-Büro: Comprises a collection of personal reports from students from other universities.

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