Healthy university

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and your wellbeing is one of LMU Munich's core values. Keeping our community healthy and happy is the name of the game! That's why we've created programs that strengthen your individual resources.

At LMU, we are determined to create a community environment that enables everyone to achieve their full potential. Being healthy isn't just about lifestyle—it's a lifeline. Our special programs are designed to give you a physical and mental boost, increase wellbeing and nurture your inner and outer strength.

Advice on health matters

At LMU, we maintain that a safe environment built on respect for all community members is a basic requirement.

LMU students coping with personal conflicts or study-related challenges can find help at the Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Advisory Service.

We ensure that all LMU community members can embrace the chance to be actively involved and develop their potential to the fullest.

Stress brought on by everyday work and life can severely impair performance and wellbeing. To prevent this stress from becoming a serious problem, LMU staff have access to burnout counseling.

At LMU, we maintain that a safe environment built on respect for all community members is a basic requirement.

When dealing with personal conflicts, LMU staff can take advantage of conflict counseling and pick up strategies to de-escalate and resolve.

We ensure that all LMU community members can embrace the chance to be actively involved and develop their potential to the fullest.

We support employee health and wellbeing, and offer a wide range of special programs to achieve just this. In the event of a psychological crisis, employees receive first aid support as part of our crisis intervention.

BäD-Uni supports the holders of management functions and LMU employees in implementing medical occupational health and safety. It is responsible for occupational health care and support for employees and students.

Promoting health and wellbeing

LMU promotes a healthy lifestyle comprising a regular fitness regime. With a variety of sporting activities available, there's no excuse not to stay fit. Choose from a broad range of sporting activities that make up our ambitious program. There's something for everyone.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing is one of LMU Munich's core values. And it makes us shine out as a great place to work and study. A wide variety of activities are available to help you strengthen your physical and mental wellbeing—with both immediate and long-term benefits.

We want happy, healthy employees and we're willing to invest in a range of initiatives to make it so. Online coaching programs—lasting several weeks—help strengthen physical and mental fitness. The place and time is up to you.

Healthy teaching, healthy learning

Educational equity and the opportunity to participate equally in everyday university life is something we believe in passionately at LMU. That's why we've opened up our services to include digital teaching and e-learning. This means you can access events, presentations and lectures spanning all LMU departments via our VideoOnline portal.

We ensure that all LMU community members can embrace the chance to be actively involved and develop their potential to the fullest.

Stress in everyday student life can severely impair performance and wellbeing. Through a range of practical courses, students can pick up everything they need to know about exam preparation and writing scientific papers.

At LMU, we are committed to developing healthy work structures that reduce long-term stress and create a thriving environment to learn, research and work in.

A key element of this is the support we offer to students thinking of giving up on their degrees. This is your wake-up call!

  • Workshop—"Studienabbruch?–Lebensaufbruch" (in German) of the Faculties of Catholic and Protestant Theology

LMU is committed to keeping its teaching staff mentally fit. With this in mind we provide workshops and seminars on subjects related to dealing with stress and high workloads. This promotes something we believe in strongly: the health and happiness of our staff. And it creates noticeable improvements in work-life balance, resilience and wellbeing.

Workplace health

Creating a healthy work environment is part of LMU's holistic approach to diversity management. As a responsible employer, LMU respects and protects the health of its community members by offering advice on occupational health issues and workplace injury.

Wellbeing is a decisive factor in productivity and performance. We want LMU community members to be on top of their game—mentally and physically—and we offer a wide range of health management services to make it so.

Coming back to work after an extended period of illness? No worries. We're here for you. Employees facing the challenge of reintegrating back into work are not alone.

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