Inclusion and participation

Inclusion and equal participation are part of our values. We know that people living with disabilities, or coming from diverse social backgrounds, bring different perspectives. And we want these to enrich our culture at LMU.

We are constantly pushing to ensure that our LMU community promotes our values. Accessibility for all and educational equity are big on this list. In advisory and training workshops, we encourage lecturers to build awareness on this. And develop understanding of access and equity issues.

The LMU was honoured by the Bavarian State Government for its commitment to being a barrier-free university. The signet “Bavaria barrier-free – we are there!” (Bayern barrierefrei - Wir sind dabei!) stands for concrete and notable contributions to the dismantling of barriers and the promotion of participation in social life. It is intended, on the one hand, to serve as recognition and, on the other, as an incentive for the University to do even more for accessibility.

Advice on inclusion and participation

LMU is careful to take into account the special needs of students with disabilities. Support in adjusting the university environment to the needs of everyone comes from two specific sources. Firstly, our Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses and secondly the Office for Disability Services, Central Student Advisory Office. Both give students with disabilities access to certain information and advice about support available while studying at LMU.

The achievement of inclusion and participation are central to LMU's values and goals. And provision of advisory services—designed to support employees with disabilities—play a key part in our attainment of these. Through advice and support, the interests of our staff members with disabilities are well represented.

LMU is eager to support prospective students with particularly severe health, social or family burdens who wish to secure an immediate commencement of their studies. This is done, in particular, by helping out with applications for degree programs with restricted admission.

Using the special admission application form for cases of hardship, you can apply for a degree program that has restricted admission by submitting details of your circumstances.

LMU wants to create equal opportunities for students with impairments, disabilities or chronic illnesses for the duration of their studies and in examinations.

Students with disabilities or illnesses can apply for potential modifications to their examination set-up through the compensation for disadvantages process. Examples of such modifications include; additional time, use of laptop for written assessments, and separate assessment rooms.

LMU would like to make it easier for prospective students from non-academic or migrant backgrounds to be included and participate in the LMU community. With this in mind, LMU provides orientation sessions that include an active exchange between students and prospective students.

Promoting barrier-free access

LMU is committed to continually working on making our campus more accessible. To help you find your bearings—and identify barrier-free access routes—the building's floor plans are available in PDF form.

Promoting educational equity and empowering independence through barrier-free learning is naturally something we offer at LMU.

Students with visual impairments receive assistance with renting out and scanning literature, collecting seminar materials and digital processing. Support here is provided by Barrier-Free Services, Office for Disability Services.

The equal treatment of people with disabilities is a given at LMU.

Providing barrier-free learning resources and being aware of special needs is key to delivering equality and educational equity—across all levels—at LMU. That's why LMU concentrates effort on making teaching accessible.

At LMU, we want to make sure that students with impairments, disabilities or chronic illnesses play an active part in everyday university life through access to the necessary support.

Help comes in many different forms. We've got student assistants, quiet spaces to work, and facilities to loan out technical study/support aids such as magnifying glasses, stair lifts, and transponders for accessible toilets.

Barrier-free teaching and learning

LMU recognizes that making our University accessible to everyone is key to the successful inclusion and participation of all students including those with impairments, disabilities, and chronic illnesses.

That's why we're continuously working not just on adapting the conditions under which students study and learn, but also on developing an open and communicative culture around this.

At LMU, we're committed to educational equity and equal participation in everyday university life.

Part of creating an accessible teaching environment includes educating teaching staff on the special needs of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Training to build awareness on this and more is offered via the Münchener Inklusionstraining für Lehrende.

Achieving inclusion and participation count among our LMU values and goals.

Inclusion tutors act as essential liaisons between students with impairments, disabilities or chronic illnesses and LMU teaching staff. They provide expert knowledge aimed at supporting, guiding, and raising awareness in specific faculties across the University.

LMU is committed to inclusion across the board. And removing barriers is part of this. We understand that digital accessibility is a key factor in ensuring equal participation.

That's why we've designed our LMU web presence to be completely accessible.

At LMU, we're committed to educational equity and equal participation in everyday university life.

Our extended range of digital teaching and e-learning services, now makes it possible to access a wide variety of events, presentations and lectures across multiple disciplines via our Moodle portal.

Improving the conditions under which our students with disabilities and chronic illnesses study and learn as well as ensuring their equal participation and inclusion is one of LMU's essential objectives.

Help to achieve our objectives comes, amongst others, from two sources. Firstly, from the Interessengemeinschaft behinderter und nicht behinderter Studierender, IBS, (The Interest Group for Disabled and Non-Disabled Students). Secondly, from our PeerGroups for students with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments as well as chronic and mental illnesses—which meet regularly.

Inclusion in the workplace

LMU takes great care to create a non-discriminatory environment characterized by respectful interaction with others.

The framework around which we hire, employ and work at the LMU has equal opportunities for all at its core. LMU's team of representatives for people with disabilities will assist in all matters involving job applications and employee relations.

Achieving inclusion and participation count among our LMU values and goals.

To help us achieve these goals for LMU staff, an advisory service forms the basis of what we offer. This is the go-to service for employees with disabilities who can receive help and support and—as important—ensure their interests are represented.

Social background

LMU is committed to driving educational equity and equal participation.

Prospective LMU students with non-academic or migrant backgrounds have access to orientation support that includes a one-hour LMU Schnupperstunden. Prospective students can sit in on lectures accompanied by other LMU students and get an idea of the subject they might want to study.

LMU promotes equal participation for LMU community members—across the board. Anyone with special needs will likely find an initiative or support center to help them.

Prospective students—in particular those from certain social backgrounds—can be eligible for financial assistance in the form of a grant.

Achieving inclusion and participation count among our LMU values and goals.

To promote these goals at entry level, first-year students can participate in the LMU peer-to-peer mentoring program (P2P-Mentoring). Seasoned students act as mentors and share knowledge and experience with first-year students. This eases you into university life and reduces that feeling of being thrown into cold water.

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