Coronavirus/COVID-19: Requirement to wear an FFP2 mask
8 Nov 2021
8 Nov 2021
The Bavarian state government decided at its cabinet meeting on 3 November to add an intensive care beds component to the amber level in the hospital traffic-light system:
Amber level applies as soon as either more than 1,200 Covid patients across the state have been admitted to a hospital in Bavaria in the previous seven days or – this is the new component – more than 450 intensive care beds across the state are occupied by Covid patients.
At amber level, the mask standard is once again the FFP2 mask (instead of the medical face mask).
Since the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care set the hospital traffic-light level on amber on 6 November, the requirement to wear an FFP2 mask is effective immediately at LMU.
More information will follow shortly on the cabinet decisions and the implementation of the “3G” (Covid status) rule for employees.
Detailed information on the measures in force at LMU is available here