New student orientation

Introductory courses are available for all subjects at the beginning of the semester. You should definitely not miss them. These courses provide you with an overview of study procedures, as well as important tips on planning your studies, and on anything particularly special associated with your subject of choice. Here, you can also start to make your first contacts with fellow students.

In the case of a bachelor's degree program, you should not only attend the general introduction to that bachelor's degree program but also any courses offered for your minor subject. For degree programs in teacher education, you should attend the courses for both teaching subjects or teaching subject (for secondary school Realschule and Gymnasium teachers) and for combined subjects (for elementary, Grundschule, lower secondary, Hauptschule, and special education school teachers) as well as those for educational science degree programs and internships.

The more intensely you prepare for these introductory courses with relevant questions, the more you will get out of the experience. If something is unclear to you, please do pose your questions. This is your opportunity to get them answered.

What are you looking for?