Changing universities
Transfering from one university in Germany to another one while pursuing the same degree program is called "Ortswechsel".
Transfering from one university in Germany to another one while pursuing the same degree program is called "Ortswechsel".
Students wanting to continue the same degree program they started at another university in Germany can only do so if they are placed into the subsequent subject-specific semester of their degree program. Furthermore, the degree programs at both universities must be completely identical – not only in name but also in content and type of degree. This is mainly, but not always, the case with degree programs ending in State Examinations. You are not sure, if your chosen degree program is identical to your current degree program? The relevant examination office can advise you on the matter.
If the two degree programs are not identical, you may be interested in reading about being placed into a higher semester of a new subject. Students transfering to LMU need to complete the registration process with the Office of the University Registrar or the International Office. The University Application Navigator can point you in the right direction.
Please always be aware of the admission requirements for your degree program and that you may be required to take additional steps prior to registering.