Information on studies and teaching

Last update: 24 November 2022, 3:00 pm

Last updated:

Information about the winter semester 2022/23

Classroom events (e.g. courses, conferences, congresses) can take place with full use of the existing room capacities (seats).

The most important requirement regarding in-person operations that are free from corona restrictions is a vaccination rate among students that is as high as possible. Please make use of existing offers of vaccination.

Face masks and measures to reduce contact

Masks are not mandatory in all LMU buildings. It is recommended that medical masks or FFP2 masks continue to be worn if close contact (without a minimum distance of 1.5 m) with other persons takes place (e.g. personal conversation, prolonged simultaneous presence of several persons indoors).

Individuals suffering from COVID-19 must wear a medical face mask (surgical mask) or FFP2 mask at all times while in LMU buildings.

For teaching events, the general recommendation according to § 1 sentence 2 BayIfSMV applies to wear at least a medical face mask in closed rooms and to ensure sufficient ventilation. In addition, the "Regulations on infection protection for presence events (especially teaching events)" apply.

For all teaching staff, LMU bundles its information on the broad spectrum of technical options for online teaching at This support facility covers and adds to the services already available at the faculties. Please note that access to this part of the website is restricted: It can be accessed only with a valid LMU user account.

Information on Covid selftests

Students in practical courses (e.g. laboratory practicals) who carry out work with close contact to other persons and who cannot wear a mask for work-related reasons (e.g. open handling of hazardous, bioactive and radioactive substances) must be offered a free weekly antigen self-test by the respective institution.

Upcoming Exams

For the purposes of the schedules and deadlines prescribed within the Examination Regulations and degree programs, the summer semester 2020, the winter semester 2020/21, the summer semester 2021 and the winter semester 2021/22 are not classed as proper semesters. The enumeration of semesters under registration law continued in the summer semester 2020, the winter semester 2020/21, the summer semester 2021 and the winter semester 2021/22 and will also continue beyond these semesters.

However, the number of semesters completed in line with examination procedures will, relative to the figure appearing on the registration certificate, be reduced by one, two, three or four semesters respectively for all students who were enrolled without a leave of absence for the summer semester 2020, the winter semester 2020/21, the summer semester 2021 and the winter semester 2021/22. For students who reached the maximum number of semesters (after which they are required to take their exams) in the summer semester 2020, the winter semester 2020/21, the summer semester 2021 or the winter semester 2021/22, the legal consequences of having failed their exams for the first (or final) time shall not take effect until one, two, three or four semesters later. This provision shall not apply to the sitting of state examinations and to the corresponding deadlines, but it shall apply to examinations completed during courses of study that conclude, in part or in full, with state examinations.

For our teaching staff, LMU provides information on online exams at Please note that the site can only be accessed with a corresponding LMU user ID.

The organisation of state examinations (“Staatsexamen”) is not the responsibility of LMU, but of the respective state ministries. Therefore, please refer to the websites of the responsible ministry or the examination office they have appointed, for example:

  • „Landesjustizprüfungamt“ for the „Juristischen Staatsprüfungen“: here.
  • „Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus“ for the „Staatsprüfungen für ein Lehramt an öffentlichen Schulen“: here.
  • „Regierung von Oberbayern“ via the Examination Office for Medicine of LMU for the state examinations in medicine: here.

Availability of central services (libraries, International Office, Student Office, etc.)

University libraries

Current information on the regulations and operations of the university libraries can be found here.

Other central services

In all other central services (Student Office, International Affairs Department), party traffic takes place in person as well as by telephone or electronically. You can find further information and contact information on the Student Office website. For all questions concerning studies, you can contact the Central Student Advisory Office (“Zentrale Studienberatung”). You can find further information for Erasmus-students and the admission of international students on the website of the International Office. You can find information on using public transportation with a non-validated LMU card on the website of the MVV. You can find information about the MVV function of your student ID here.


In general, the Federal Ministry of Education is responsible for BAföG regulations.

Psychological and pastoral counseling

For psychological and/or pastoral counseling, you may contact the following institutions:

Further Questions

If you have any further questions, please consult the websites of the individual institutions first and get in touch directly with the respective contact persons:

  • If you have any questions regarding the administration of your studies (enrolment, re-registration, etc.), please contact the Student Office.
  • If you have any questions concerning libraries, please contact the respective subject library, the University Library or the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.
  • If you have questions regarding upcoming exams, final papers, homework, etc., please contact the respective lecturer and the responsible examination office.
  • If you have any questions regarding the performance of work or continued payment of wages, please contact your direct superior or your immediate supervisor, your faculty or department or the person responsible for you in the LMU Human Resources Department.

If you have any additional questions, please

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