
Studying - an experience that affects all areas of life

15 Apr 2024

To get the lecture period of the new semester off to a good start, the LMU Community provides tips for successful studies: from the lecture hall to leisure time.

Whether it's "Welcome" or "Welcome back" - the start of a new semester is always exciting. To ensure that this summer semester gets off to a good start once again, various LMU institutions and students provide tips on how studying can not only be academically successful, but can also contribute to personal growth.

Vice President Oliver Jahraus: “Consciously make the most of your time at LMU.“

Porträt von Professor Doktor Oliver Jahraus


"An academic degree programme always marks the start of a new phase in your life. You will make contacts, gain experience and deal with issues that you have never thought about before. That's why I advise you: Become an active part of this university. After all, you have decided to spend a formative time of your life here. You are studying at one of the best universities in Germany, Europe and the world. Utilise the potential of this university. Make your studies your project. Be curious, experience knowledge and create new knowledge yourself.Get involved in university groups for a good cause that is close to your heart, get involved in the student council of your degree programme or simply organise study groups with your new fellow students.

The most important thing, however, is to consciously make the most of your time at LMU. Don't let yourself drift, but participate in the events you attend. Approach each other and open yourself up to new perspectives. I guarantee that your time at our university will not only enrich you intellectually, but also personally. Experience your studies as an intellectual adventure in a large academic community!"

Prof Oliver Jahraus, Vice President for Student Affairs

The LMU Career Service: “Support for careers and career entry“

Dr. Stephan Pflaum

The LMU Career Service organises various formats to bring students and companies together. | © Sabine Jakobs

"Internships should be a natural part of your degree programme from the 3rd/4th semester onwards. Much more important than the number of internships is their quality and content: What experience did you gain? What did you learn there beyond your studies? It can therefore make sense to take on an internship outside your field of study. You should definitely consider an internship abroad.

If you have any questions about internships (or jobs for working students), you are in good hands with our Career Service. At more than 100 career events a year, we put you in direct contact with companies/organisations from all sectors and areas. If you include our offer as a reference in your letter of application, you have the best chance of being invited. We are also happy to advise you on this and other topics relating to your career plans in one-to-one meetings. Tip: Why not try out a micro-internship with us from the 1st semester onwards, at the Q4 Internshipflash or attend our seminars.“

Dr Stephan Pflaum, Coordinator Career Services & Events / Employer Services

Click here for the offers of the Career Service

The Student Information Service (SIS): Help with all questions about studying

The LMU Student Information Service can help you with all your study-related questions. | ©

"Studying is often challenging in itself - and then it can also be very time-consuming to search for and sort through all the important information about your degree programme. A little insider tip: LMU's Student Information Service (SIS).

We, the SIS team, are student employees from various degree programmes and we are happy to help you. We can help you with issues such as re-registration, leave of absence or changing subject. And if we can't answer your questions directly, we'll find the right place to turn to together."

Click here for the Study Information Service and other services offered by the Central Student Advisory Office

Thought of everything?

Brand new at LMU? Then you have a few things to do first. For example, getting your LMUcard ready for the canteen with Autoload. After all, how can you study successfully if your belly isn't full?

First-year students can find this and other important information about organising their studies, finding accommodation and financial support in the form of scholarships in the First-semester survival guide.

The Central University Sports Centre (ZHS): “Balancing your studies“

Sebastian Ambach is doing his doctorate in chemistry at the LMU and, as a ZHS course leader for the Mountain and Climbing Sports department, gets up high - here at the summit of the Strahlhorn 4190 m in the Valais Alps. | © privat

"The Central University Sports Centre Munich (ZHS) offers a whole range of benefits for students. It promotes physical health and well-being through a wide range of sports and exercise programmes, ranging from yoga to hiking and mountaineering, swimming and team sports. The ZHS provides an excellent opportunity to de-stress and find a balance to studying, which can lead to improved mental health and stress management. Participation in university sport allows for the development of new social relationships and networks as students can socialise with like-minded people and find a supportive community.

In a professional environment with highly qualified instructors and modern facilities that cater to students' individual needs and interests, participation in university sports also fosters important skills such as teamwork, perseverance and self-confidence, which are beneficial in other areas of life beyond sports. Overall, the Central University Sports Centre Munich is an invaluable resource for students who want to improve their health, socialise and promote their personal development."

Sebastian Ambach, doctoral student and ZHS course leader for mountain and climbing sports

Click here for the ZHS course programme

University groups and student associations: “Varied insights“

Philip Ermacora studies law at LMU and is involved in the association “Law and Sustainability - RuN e.V.“

"I became aware of the association "Recht und Nachhaltigkeit - RuN e.V." in the second semester through my working group leader and have been involved in planning events ever since. Apart from joining the association by chance, students in their first semester can find out about what the association has to offer via the student representation website, attend events without obligation or drop by one of our regulars' tables.

Volunteering for RuN gives me a varied insight into areas of law outside of the curriculum and gives me the opportunity to share the link between sustainability and law with other students and interested parties. It was also helpful at the beginning to be able to socialise with older students. The good balance between the input of the new members and the experience of the older ones has shown that both sides benefit from the exchange."

Philip Ermacora, LMU student and board member of "Law and Sustainability - RuN e.V."

Click here for a selection of student initiatives

Studying and living at the LMU

Studying is more than just lectures. You can find more information on how you can help shape university life and participate in Munich's cultural life outside of it in the Student life section.

True to the motto: Studying is an experience that affects all areas of life

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