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LMU has been highly successful in all funding lines of the German Excellence Competitions from the beginning in 2006.
LMU has consistently been one of the most successful universities in the German Excellence Competitions aimed at strengthening top-level university research: In the current third phase of competitions, the Excellence Strategy, LMU was successfully awarded four Clusters of Excellence, applied for jointly with the Technical University of Munich (TUM), as well as funding for its long-term strategy program, LMUexcellent – A New Perspective.
LMU’s success in the highly competitive Excellence Strategy competition demonstrates its outstanding position among German universities as well as Munich’s strength as a science hub. This gives LMU the ideal conditions to further expand its position as a leading international university.Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Huber, President of LMU Munich
Its funding as a University of Excellence offers LMU Munich the opportunity to further develop its successful strategy with the long-term program “LMUexcellent – A New Perspective” and to expand its position as an international top-level university.
Unit Research Strategy
Coordination Excellence Strategy