LMU-research transfer: Record funding for spin-offs
LMU spin-offs attracted around 230.3 million euros in investments in 2024.
Big success for LMU at Leibniz awards
Worth up to 2.5 million euros, the prize is the most important research award in Germany.
Coveted ERC grants for four LMU researchers
The European Research Council supports innovative projects with Consolidator Grants.
Infants have no conception of morality
An international study with LMU participation provides evidence that our moral sense is not innate.
Three ERC Synergy Grants for LMU
The highly competitive grant supports pioneering projects that lead to advances at the frontier of knowledge.
AI in medicine
New approach for more efficient diagnostics
Regarding the pro-Palestinian camp outside LMU Munich
Since 13 May 2024, a pro-Palestinian camp has been located on publicly owned land on Professor-Huber-Platz in front of the university.
LMU Munich continues to grow
Over 54,000 students have already enrolled at start of semester
LMU Innovation Incubator start-up teams secure over 2.5 million euros
From physics to medicine and sport: experts developed a wide variety of ideas for new applications.
Multiple Sclerosis: Early Warnings in the Immune System
LMU researchers demonstrate that certain immune cells already play an important role in the early stages of multiple sclerosis
Groundbreaking for new Earth and Environmental Sciences building
With floor space of approximately 17,000 square meters, the new building will have room for around 520 students and around 140 researchers.
Excellent early-career research: Six new ERC Grants at LMU
Generously funded, the starting grants are among the most prestigious research grants in Europe.
Coastal cities must adapt faster to climate change
An international team of researchers led by LMU has analyzed the current state of climate change adaptation in coastal cities.
Shanghai Ranking: LMU is the best German university
LMU ranks 43rd in the latest Academic Ranking of World Universities, putting it among the top 50 universities in the world.
Artificial intelligence: Current research and future visions
Munich AI Day brings together leaders in the field
LMU campus in Oberschleissheim continues to grow
LMU campus in Oberschleissheim continues to grow with new building for Animal Anatomy and Animal Pathology
LMU founds research center on social inequality
The Munich International Stone Center for Inequality Research (ISI) is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of social inequality.
Diamond glitter: a play of colors with artificial DNA crystals
Using DNA origami, researchers have built a diamond lattice with a periodicity of hundreds of nanometers.
Color variants in cuckoos: the advantages of rareness
Rufous or gray: LMU evolutionary biologists show that the color variants of female cuckoos are based on ancient mutations.
AI in medicine: the causality frontier
Using new methods, machines can learn not only to make predictions, but also to handle causal relationships.
Concern for others emerges during second year of life
Developmental psychology: the strength of children’s empathic response depends on the sensitivity of their caregivers.
The aging brain: protein mapping furnishes new insights
Researchers at LMU and the SyNergy Cluster of Excellence have analyzed how the protein composition of brain endothelial cells changes during aging.
GLEN – a large scale panel study for the environmental social science research
Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the study aims to provide a unique data infrastructure as a basis for evidence-based policy advice.
How butterflies choose mates: gene controls preferences
LMU evolutionary biologists have established a direct link between a gene and a visual preference behaviour in tropical Heliconius butterflies.
Real-world laboratory in LMU forest: new collaboration for sustainability research
The project will come up with strategies for the sustainable management of south German forests and for dealing with extreme events in the future.
New group to research family life in Bavaria
Aspects of family life being studied at different universities.
Fossil CO2 emissions reach record high
The new Global Carbon Project report reveals that fossil carbon dioxide emissions will reach a record high in 2023.
Harvesting more solar energy with supercrystals
LMU researchers have developed new high-performance nanostructures to obtain Hydrogen (H2) with the help of solar energy.
DFG funding for four LMU researchers
The funded projects deal with new biomarkers of ageing, quantum simulations, the journey of immune cells through the body and media usage strategies.
Origins of life: new CRC at LMU
The interdisciplinary project will investigate how the first evolution of molecules began.
Nine researchers receive coveted ERC grants
The European Research Council supports innovative projects through Consolidator Grants.
Paleogenomics: wildcats and domestic cats largely avoid each other
An international team led by LMU paleontologist Laurent Frantz and Greger Larson (Oxford University) has investigated the history of cats in Europe using genetic analyses.
New tool makes it easier to diagnose tuberculosis in children
An international research consortium led by LMU has tested a rapid new analytical tool which needs just a bloodsample from the fingertip.
ERC Synergy Grant for LMU researcher Knut Müller-Caspary
The funded project will develop approaches for the structural analysis of very small proteins.
Life after coronavirus: International survey provides comprehensive data
LMU researchers asked 621,000 people from 21 countries about their life circumstances after the coronavirus pandemic.
LMU continues to grow – almost 53,000 students registered by start of semester
Bucking the trend at many universities, LMU Munich has recorded an increase in student numbers at the beginning of the 2023/24 winter semester.
Nobel Prize for LMU physicist Ferenc Krausz
The LMU scientist is receiving the award for his pioneering work in attosecond physics.
Origin of cultural learning: babies imitate because they are imitated
The origin of social learning in humans comes from the interaction between infants and caregivers.
Russia’s war against Ukraine: the bot offensive flanking the invasion
Bots played a substantial role in the dissemination of pro-Russian propaganda after the Russian attack on Ukraine.
Preventing future pandemics: LMU’s new microbiology building
LMU is today opening a state-of-the-art building for the Institute of Infection Medicine and Zoonoses of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on the Campus Oberschleissheim.
Study shows: Covid-19 pandemic has had long-term impact on families
Parental stress was major risk factor for psychosocial well-being of children.
LMU researchers make progress in battle against Helicobacter and stomach cancer
Newly identified substances incapacitate the cellular respiration of H. pylori in a targeted manner.
Molecular biology: DNA packaging supports cell division
Typical, highly regular structures of this packaging characterize the starting points for DNA replication.
Bats in disrupted ecosystems are more infected with coronaviruses
LMU researchers show: The more an ecosystem is influenced by humans, the more bats in that system are infected with coronaviruses.
Premature Infant Medicine
What makes the immune systems of prematurely born babies susceptible to deadly infections.
CO2 data influence eating behavior
A field trial has shown that labeling the carbon footprint of food prompts people to eat more sustainably.
LMU successful with Collaborative Research Centre funding applications
The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding two new transregional CRC/TRR in the fields of mathematical physics and plant genetics.
Fifteen LMU scientists and academics make Highly Cited Researchers list
The latest analysis of publications places fifteen LMU scientists and academics among the most successful in their chosen field.
No sign of decrease in global CO2 emissions
New report by Global Carbon Project predicts global fossil CO2 emissions of 36.6 billion tonnes by the end of 2022
LMU coordinates first master’s degree program for precision oncology in Germany
Aimed at postgraduates, the interdisciplinary new master’s degree program “PRECISE” is due to begin in the 2023/2024 winter semester.
Revolutionizing image generation by AI: Turning text into images
The Machine Vision & Learning Group led by computer scientist Björn Ommer has developed one of the most powerful image synthesis algorithms in existence.
Great success for AI research in Munich
Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML) receives permanent funding following positive evaluation.
Quantum cryptography: Hacking futile
Researchers at LMU and the University of Singapore have experimentally realized an expanded form of quantum cryptography for the first time.
New research network for next-generation active ingredients
Researchers from LMU and TUM to establish future cluster for research and development into RNA-based therapeutics.
LMU opens the most cutting-edge equine clinic in southern Germany
The new LMU building in Oberschleissheim near Munich was inaugurated today.
Cooperation to research laser-based nuclear fusion
LMU and the Munich start-up Marvel Fusion will be collaborating in the field of laser research.
LMU receives funding for new Collaborative Research Centre
The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new CRC/TRR to research the immune system.
New cutting-edge LMU facility opens
The Institute of Chemical Epigenetics (ICEM) offers ideal conditions for cutting-edge research at the interface between biology and chemistry
Launch of nationwide CO2 removal research program CDRterra at LMU
Coordinated by LMU as part of the nationwide CDRterra research program, researchers are investigating how CO2 can be removed from the atmosphere. The kick-off is planned from 18-20 May.
AI facilitates better control of global development aid
Researchers at LMU Munich and ETH Zurich are using AI to improve and highlight gaps in the global monitoring of development aid projects.
Land use important for climate goals
Land use is a decisive factor for getting a handle on climate change.
IPCC report: Adaptability has limits
The Assessment Report of the IIPCC published today shows: The consequences of climate change will be felt earlier and more strongly than assumed.
Artificial intelligence can play an important role in the political context
Data-driven methods are very valuable when facing challenges to society, such as climate change.
Groundbreaking network to build Bavaria’s first quantum computer
Munich Quantum Valley successfully established
LMU astrophysicist sees AI as essential to exploring the universe
In cosmological research, advances in telescopes and cameras are generating enormous amounts of data.
Statistics: Novel approach at LMU allows to transfer survey results across contexts
LMU statistician, working with colleagues from the US, has developed a method for reliably adapting data from a given sample to a different context
Four new ERC grants at LMU
Four talented early-career researchers have each obtained a starting grant together with LMU from the European Research Council (ERC).
“KI-Lectures”: The question of responsibility
LMU researchers discuss the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence as part of the “KI-Lectures” series.
Climate change: LMU to coordinate national research program on CO2 removal
Removal and storage of atmospheric carbon dioxide is regarded as a vital element of efforts to limit global warming
AI Lectures: LMU mathematician expects further breakthroughs in AI research in the medium term
In the first of LMU’s new AI Lectures, Prof. Gitta Kutyniok reported on spectacular successes but also elementary problems around artificial intelligence
AI Lectures: Insights into artificial intelligence - Understanding and explaining decisions
LMU mathematician Gitta Kutyniok explains how AI works, how it arrives at its decisions, and what makes it so successful.
Deleting hate speech: AI models need to be people-centric
Sahana Udupa, Professor of Media Anthropology, and her project team have developed recommendations for AI systems and content moderation in online media, especially in social media.
Current message from the LMU President
LMU President Prof. Bernd Huber thanked all members of LMU and announced vaccination events for LMU students.
LMU physicist Professor Monika Aidelsburger wins Alfried Krupp Prize
The young experimental physicist receives the honor for her research in the field of quantum optics.
In the new NATURE Index LMU is highest placed German university
LMU is ranked 65th among the universities listed.
ONE MUNICH Strategy Forum: TUM and LMU to jointly explore new research fields
As global competition among metropolitan regions intensifies, the two Universities of Excellence LMU and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are consolidating their scientific strengths in future-oriented and high-potential research fields.
Seismic signals may predict volcanic eruption styles
A specific seismic signal enables the viscosity of ascending magmas to be deduced hours or even days prior to a pending eruption
New building in Oberschleissheim approved
LMU gets green light for construction of animal anatomy and pathology building
Ancient DNA reveals secrets of Game of Thrones wolves
Extinct dire wolves split off from other wolves nearly six million years ago and were only a distant relative of today’s wolves, according to new research published in Nature